Nexus History (c) Copyright 1999-2011 by Jorge M.R.Coelho Winstep Software Technologies E-mail: WWW: -------------------------- Version 11.4 build 938 - New Features: * Updated the German language file. * Updated Polish language file. * Removed 'dead' bitmaps from resource file. * Most dock mouse over effects can now be combined with the magnify effect. * Split the Position & Behavior tab in Preferences into two tabs. * Re-arranged the Effects tab in Preferences. * Added a new 'Contents' tab to Preferences. * Moved 'Indicator Offset from Icon Reflection' to its own dialog box with preview. * Icon Spacing in the dock now has independent vertical and horizontal settings and was moved to its own dialog box with preview. * Dock transparency now has independent settings for icons and background and was moved to its own dialog box with preview. * Re-organized some settings in Preferences for a more logical layout. * Improved the bounce animation that occurs when launching an icon from the dock. Fixes: * Icon in the Version Information dialog had a dark gray background. * Opening native Winstep theme files from FireFox failed with an error. * Icon reflections for the Zoom mouseover effect where not being cropped properly. * The 'Keep this dock visible when pressing WIN+D' setting would always be checked after a re-start. +++ * After beta 1 a magnifying dock with the persistent Flare/Afterglow mouseover effects could appear partially on screen after auto-hidding into the screen edge. * A magnifying dock could suddenly appear garbled if you quickly moved the mouse pointer back and forth over it. * Fixed automatic icon size problem that could sometimes occur when the dock was too large to fit on screen. * Single .ICO files displayed in the Icon Browser dialog appeared jagged. -------------------------- Version 11.2 build 938 - March 14, 2011 - Official Release New Features: * Added Finnish language file. * Added Indonesian language file. * Updated Polish language file. * Updated French language file. * Updated Farsi language file. * Updated German language file. * Updated Croatian language file. * Added support for the Y'z Dock format. * Non-square icon images and document thumbnails are now displayed with the proper aspect ratio. * Added an automatic retry after 30 seconds if returns an 'unknown error' when polling weather data. * URL files (such as shortcuts to Steam games) now show the correct icons. * The 'Delete Item' explosion animation is now smoother and twice as fast. * Glass blur for semi-transparent backgrounds on Vista and 7 is now enabled by default. * Moved dock's 'Lock Position' Nexus menu setting to the 'Screen Position' sub-menu. * Changed UI background color so buttons no longer have ugly white border under Vista/7. * Added support for the new NOOA Weather module METAR URL * Besides the already existing right-click option, you can now also customize the image displayed by a system tray expand icon by dropping an .ICO, .PNG or .TIF file into it. * Languages in the About tab of Preferences are now sorted in Alphabetical order. +++ Beta 2 * Set the Tab order of all dialogs. * It's now possible to 'Browse', via the right click context menu, the contents of virtual folders in Internal Commands (e.g.; My Computer). * Added support for the new Help system. +++ Release * You can now drag files over taskbar window thumbnails - after half a second the associated window is restored and brought to the foreground. * Added support for RocketDock skins with negative margin coordinates. * Re-organized the Advanced dialog in the Advanced tab of Preferences. * Added a 'Thumbnail File Types' button to the Advanced Settings dialog from where you can set which document, video and image files generate thumbnails. * Changed the default clock and recycler module images so they are no longer NeXT based. * Improved usability of task window thumbnails in the dock. * Added troubleshoot warning that pops up if Comctl32.ocx is not installed correctly. * Optimized handling of RocketDock backgrounds with negative coordinates. * Theme wallpapers that are not set to tile are now automatically set to stretch. Changes: * Task grouping is now turned on by default. * Edge bump activation when the dock is visible is now turned off by default. Fixes: * Nexus would corrupt memory and crash if it failed to retrieve the configuration settings of a 3rd party dock theme. * It was impossible to use system tray popups if the dock popup delay was set to 0 ms. * The dock clock label displayed the date with the month and day reversed. * A hidden taskbar was being restored with the auto-hide status on. * The grouped tasks menu was sometimes displaying the wrong icon for running applications. * The 'Exit' button in Preferences was not being translated when switching languages. * If the dock was set to 100% transparent with opaque icons and the dock background skin was already semi-transparent, mouse movement over the dock and drag & drop operations could become erratic. * Selecting the first monitor in the Monitors right-click menu was not docking a dock to the selected monitor but instead toggled the dock position lock. * Application was not being high DPI virtualized on Vista/7 with high DPI (150%) when starting up. * Fixed crash when mousing over a module if the current mouse over effect was 'Sonic boom' and the modules icon cache had been disabled in Performance Settings. * Customized system tray expand buttons images were not being shown unless the dock was also set to display the currently running applications. * Fixed some major issues with high DPI virtualization on 7 and Vista. +++ Beta 2 * The Effect 'Settings' button was sometimes enabled when it should not be. * Editing a virtual shell folder with the Item Properties dialog would break the ability to browse it's contents via the context menu. +++ Release * Under XP non-square image and document thumbnails displayed white borders. * Hotkeys were being activated even if the Shift key combination wasn't an exact match (for instance, CTRL+1 would also activate if the user pressed CTRL+SHIFT+1) * When moving a dock from one quadrant of the screen to another, so that the background would flip or mirror, under Vista/7 the 'glass' region wouldn't always update to overlap the new background. * Added missing icon to's icon set. * Fixed some minor issues with the size and position of the 'number of instances' text that overlaps the icons of running applications in groupped mode. * Windows preview thumbnails sometimes lost their 'Always on top' status just before Aero Peek, which could cause windows to overlap the thumbnails. * Groupped task icons could sometimes not display the number of running instances. * Fixed ugly system tray icon. * Since beta 1, Nexus was crashing after displaying the uninstall survey. * Fixed an issue that could cause Nexus to stall for a while after installing a new font if another application was not responding to broadcasted messages. * Fixed bug that could cause icons on vertical magnifying docks to appear cropped. -------------------------- Version 10.9 build 921 - October 8, 2010 - Official Release New Features: * Added Hungarian language file. * Added Bulgarian language file. * Added Chinese Simplified language file. * Added Korean language file. * Updated Dutch language file. * Updated Spanish language file. * Updated Norwegian language file. * Added an Exit button to Preferences. * The Windows taskbar no longer reserves screen space when hidden. * You can now right-click drag & drop in the dock to get the copy/move/create shortcut context menu. * Added option to disable the Explosion Animation, shown when you delete an item, to the Misc.Advanced dialog in the Advanced tab of Preferences. * Balloon tooltip now also displays thumbnails of document files. * Alignment of docks attached to screen edges (docked) can now also be set by dragging the dock horizontally or vertically. * Added 'Do Not Launch Multiple Sessions' setting to the Misc.Advanced dialog so clicking on a shortcut to an already running application brings that application forward instead of launching a new instance. To force launch a new instance, press SHIFT while left-clicking. * Added support for 3rd party dock themes with negative content offsets. * Added Squish, Spin, Sonic Boom, Heal, Fire, Magic, Flare, Wind and Water mouseover effects. * Effect settings specified in the Effects tab of Preferences are now specific to each effect. * The new particle effect animations (Heal, Fire, Magic, Flare, Wind and Water) can be colorized in the Effect Settings panel for that effect. * Added setting to change the color of the dock mouseover label to the Appearance tab of Nexus Preferences. * Added 'Disable edge activation' setting to the Position & Behavior tab of Nexus Preferences. When enabled, bumping the screen edge a dock is attached to does not bring the dock forward. * Moved thumbnail exclusion list in the Tasks tab to the Advanced dialog. * Added 'Show window previews (thumbnails) on mouseover' setting to the Advanced dialog of the Tasks tab in Preferences. This makes window thumbnails with peek ability pop up when mousing over task icons and brings Windows 7 "superbar" functionality to Nexus. * Users can specify the size of the window previews. * Added option to disable 'AeroPeek' in window previews. * Added 'Wallpaper' setting to the Themes tab, which, when enabled, allows any existing theme wallpaper to be applied as well as the new theme. * Added 'Keep this dock visible when pressing Win+D (Show Desktop)' setting to the Advanced Behavior dialog of the dock. * Icons can no longer be dropped into a dock when the 'Lock Icons' setting is enabled. * Added 'Lock/Unlock Position' to the dock's main context menu and the synonimous 'Prevent dock from being moved by dragging with the mouse pointer' setting to the dock's Advanced Behavior dialog. Changes: * Increased the default range of the bounce mouseover animation. * The bounce mouseover animation no longer 'holds' the icon at the top while the pointer is over it. * Moved the dock 'Z-Order' and 'Monitor' right-click sub-menus to 'Screen Position'. Fixes: * Empty balloon tooltip was appearing when mousing over an empty dock. * Dropping files into a shortcut to a folder in the dock as always copying the source file to the target folder, even if SHIFT was pressed. * Double clicking the first icon of a floating icon without the Nexus control icon was causing the dock to collapse. * Nothing would happen if the user dropped an ICO, PNG or TIFF file into an empty dock. * Size of the application icon overlayed to the thumbnail of running applications is now always half the size of the icon, independent of dock magnification size. * Application icons overlayed to the thumbnail of running applications now also use the application icon (instead of the window icon) for sizes over 32x32 pixels, so they don't appear too blurred. * The magnification size slider no longer allows you to chose values lower than current dock icon size. * Assigning huge PNG or TIF files as shortcut images no longer slows down magnifying animations. * The 'Prevent maximized windows from overlaping the dock' setting is now disabled if 'Auto-hide the dock' is enabled, as in that case no screen space is reserved. * Fixed bug that preventing re-organizing icons in the tasklist section of a dock via drag & drop. * Sometimes restoring a maximized window that was minimized would make it lose the maximized status. * A hidden/collapsed dock would stop magnifying and auto-hidding when changing to a new theme until Preferences was opened and closed again. -------------------------- Version 10.6 build 911 - July 13, 2010 - Official Release New Features: * Added Serbian language file. * Added Slovak language file. Changes: * Moved the 'Show dock control icon' item from the main Nexus menu to the 'Insert New Dock Item' sub-menu. Fixes: * The dock was not displaying running application thumbnails when the dock was set to display running applications via the context menu. * Fixed issue in which Nexus could freeze for up to a minute after resuming hibernate due to 3rd party services being busy and blocking. * The Zoom dock effect could sometimes cause currently zooming icons to be cropped when sitting next to icons that updated frequently (like the clock). * Fixed other visual glitches with special dock effects and icons getting cropped. * Fixed item positioning problems when hovering a magnifying dock and shortcuts were added, removed or had their running status changed. * Setting a dock with a semi-transparent background to be 100% transparent with opaque icons prevented the dock from working properly. -------------------------- Version 10.4 build 906 - May 22, 2010 - Bug Fix Release New Features: * Added option to disable the 'Initializing' splash-screen at startup to the 'Misc.Advanced Settings' dialog in the Advanced tab of Preferences. Fixes: * The dock's 'No Background Flip' setting was not being saved properly. * A drag & drop move of the first icon on a dock with no control icon would corrupt the dragged item and would not allow the item to be copied. -------------------------- Version 10.4 build 905 - April 27, 2010 - Official Release New Features: * Windows thumbnails of grouped tasklist menus now pop up immediately. * Dock expansion when magnifying is now 3 to 5 times faster. * Moved the enumeration of items in the recycle bin to a background thread. This prevents Nexus from freezing or taking a long time to initialize on systems with very slow hard drives and very full recycle bins. * Delayed the initial enumeration of Recycle Bin items for 30 seconds. This should give Windows enough time to finish booting before Nexus engages in a concurrent and potentially very disk intensive enumeration if the recycle bin has many items on it. * Blurring of semi-transparent dock backgrounds is now 25% faster. * Insertion of items into the dock by drag & drop is now a bit smoother. * Screen edge bumps now only activate the dock when the pointer bumps the area where the dock is. This should help prevent accidental dock activations. * Functionality specific to specific modules is no longer active if the module is not being used on the dock. * Added negative Edge Offsets up to -16 pixels. * Inserting a new item via the Item Properties Editor now shifts the icons in the dock to make room for the new item. * The icon of the System Tray Expand Button can now be customized by right clicking the item and selecting 'Dock Item Properties'. * Nexus is now also compatible with specific 3rd party dock themes that use huge dock backgrounds (Eclipse, Scepter, etc...). * Added 'Disable Magnify Effect Buffer' setting to the Performance vs. Memory dialog in the Advanced tab of Nexus Preferences. Enabling this setting will reduce memory footprint but also significantly lower performance of the expansion and contraction phases of the magnify effect for non-tiled dock backgrounds. +++ * Improved time required for Nexus initialization even further. Changes: * Moved the dock activation shortcut to the Advanced Behavior dialog and the 'Respect space...' and 'Do not flip background...' settings to the Position & Behavior tab in Preferences. Fixes: * The dock no longer 'flashes' when changing sizes or being repositioned between different screen quadrants. * The Running Application indicators were not working anymore unless you added a CPU Meter module to the dock or enabled the CPU Meter systray icon. * With large effect magnitudes for the bounce and zoom effects, icons of docks docked at the top of the screen could extend beyond the screen edge. * Under 64 bit systems some programs in the dock might not be flagged as running if the 32 bit version was running when the dock expected the 64 bit or vice-versa. * Nexus could freeze for a long period of time when returning from hibernate or sleep. * Eliminated the dark 'shadow' that seemed to expand around the dock when the icons magnified. * Corrected rounding errors in the magnification algorithm which could cause a dock being magnified to 'shake' slightly. * Fixed 'This Array is Fixed or Locked' crash that could occur on Vista systems when mousing over one of the Vista system tray icons. * Fixed potential memory leak. * The Language Manager no longer uses the English language file to perform an unnecessary English to English translation when the currently selected language is English. * Fixed some issues that could cause Nexus to crash on exit if certain dialog windows were open when exiting. * Fixed bug in the Task Exclusion and Task Customization lists which prevented properly editing and removing items in them. * Applying a 'Tile' dock background after using a theme with overlays would not dismiss the previous overlay. * Some tiled 3rd party dock themes had graphic glitches on magnifying docks. * The Email Checker module balloon tooltip was not reporting the number of messages found on the servers. * The Task Icon Customization, Task Exclusion and Snapshot Exclusion list dialogs were not enabling the Remove and Edit buttons even though the first item was selected when opening the dialog. * The system tray expand button would disappear from the dock if all system tray icons were set to be hidden in Windows. * It was possible to initiate a dock uncollapse operation while the dock was still playing the collapse animation and vice-versa. * Clicking on the icon reflection is now the same as clicking on the icon itself for launching and right-click context menu operations. * Enabling running indicators when the dock was already displaying the system tray could result in Nexus crashing with an Access Violation error. * The dock could disappear or become unresponsive after running a full screen DirectX game. * Values could under certain conditions be reported as 0 KB, 0 MB or 0 GB. * Fixed issue in which the docks could stop responding after running a full screen game. +++ * Recycle Bin enumeration was still potentialy taking a long time at startup. * Fixed problem where Nexus could delete the contents of the Nexus Ultimate Shelf. -------------------------- Version 10.3 build 882 - March 29, 2010 - Bug Fix Release Fixes: * The separator between regular dock icons and the system tray wasn't always there. * The new default separator bitmap was being used even on tiled dock backgrounds. * It wasn't possible to access individual tray icons in groupped mode when not using the magnify effect. * The dock wasn't immediately displaying all the groupped tray icons when it opened. * When using the AfterGlow effect, the currently selected dock icon would keep flashing after opening a context menu even when the mouse moved away from the dock. * Nexus was still performing actions specific to some modules even if those modules were not placed on the dock. * Nexus might not repaint properly after exiting Hibernate. * If a system tray or tasklist icon updated while dragging a floating dock on the screen, the dock could switch orientation in mid-drag, which caused it to jump to another position. * Groupped systray icons were too blurred when magnified. * The troubleshoot option 'Reset Dock Content' was also reseting the dock settings to their default values. -------------------------- Version 10.3 build 881 - March 27, 2010 - Official Release New Features: * The clock, Weather and Email Checker modules now glow while connecting to the internet (behavior can be disabled in the settings dialog of each module). * The WinAmp Internal Commands have been renamed to 'Media...' and are now able to control the Windows Media Player as well. * Added 'Enable/Disable Background Blur Effect' to the Effects sub-menu of the dock context menu. * Added 'Show/Hide System tray' and 'Show/Hide Running Programs' to the Insert context menu. * Removed the blank separator between normal and system tray icons in the dock when the system tray expand button is also visible. * Added 'Group Tray Icons' setting. A grid of 16x16 tray icons can now be groupped together into a single dock icon. * Nexus now uses a default separator bitmap if the dock skin does not have one. Fixes: * The 'Check Weather' button in the Weather Settings dialog could use the wrong difference between location and UTC times (UTC Bias) when getting the weather for locations in the US. * Thumbnails of some files were showing up blank (transparent). * Long dock icon labels no longer extend beyond the monitor edge. * Fixed issue auto-installing themes, which could end up being installed at the wrong location. * The voice and sound schemes were being installed into the wrong location. * The wrong icon was being displayed for unknown themes. -------------------------- Version 10.3 build 878 - March 22, 2010 - Silent Update New Features: * You can now Browse, via right-click menus, shortcuts placed in the dock to Virtual Shell Items such as My Computer. Fixes: * Fixed some issues with resolving certain icons and Internal Command icons. -------------------------- Version 10.3 build 873 - March 18, 2010 - Official Release New Features: * Added Japanese language file (incomplete). * Added UAC Warning at startup if Nexus is running with elevated privileges. * The Update Manager can now notify the user of, and install, new Language files. * Added option to display the Windows system tray in Nexus to the Effects tab. +++ * Added option to always display all tray icons to the Effects tab. * The Icon Browser dialog now displays a large 128x128 icon image when dealing with a single icon file. * The icons of modules/widgets such as the clock, recycler, etc..., can now be directly specified by the user via the module's right-click context menu. * Improved performance of displaying the system tray on a dock. * Added option to select the Dock control icon color, replace it with a user defined icon, or hide it altogether to the Appearance tab of the Dock Properties dialog. * Added 'Dock Entry Properties' option to the right-click context menu of the control icon, which allows the user to change the image of the dock control icon, rename the dock and set the dock's activation hot key. * Added 'Rename' option, to name the dock, to the right-click context menu of the control icon. * The image used for the Nexus control icon can also be set by dragging & dropping an image file directly over the control icon. * Reorganized right-click context menus in order to be more consistent between different item types. * Module and Internal Command names are now sorted alphabetically in the Item Properties Editor dialog box regardless of the currently selected language. * The 'Add New Item' context menu option now opens a sub-menu from where you can quickly select the item type (or add via the Item Properties Editor as before). +++ * Added 'Lock/Unlock Icons' to the dock's control context menu. * When the icons are locked a floating dock can now be dragged around the screen by left clicking anywhere on the dock and dragging. * Added option to 'Hide Windows taskbar at startup' to the General tab in Preferences. * Added option to open sub-menus on mouseover to the Advanced Settings dialog of the Advanced tab in Preferences. * Added new set of Weather icons made by Mark Gisis (aka. Teknofrik). * You can now add multiple themes/skins in bulk via the AutoInstall feature. Changes: * Re-arranged the Effects tab. * Moved the 'Show running applications' setting from the Appearance tab to the Effects tab. * Re-arranged the Appearance tab * Moved the "Launch applications with a single click...' setting to the Advanced Settings dialog of the Advanced tab in Preferences. * Re-arranged the Advanced Settings dialog. Fixes: * Dock was not repainting when magnified, with the cursor at the same position, and a tasklist or system tray icon was updated. * Nexus system tray icons now only signal a change when necessary, which prevents the system tray from having to repaint every second. * Should have fixed some problems with Nexus not starting at Windows startup. * Showing or Hidding Desktop icons wasn't working properly under Windows 7 after applying a theme in the Windows Personalize dialog, and the wallpaper could become corrupted. +++ * The dock could stop magnifying when the mouse was over an icon and the dock contents updated for some reason. * Memory was being leaked every time a shortcut pointing to Windows Installer was resolved. * The system tray was not reacting fast enough when expanding or collapsing it. * Fixed potential bug which could cause icons in a dock to overlap if the dock content was changed while magnifying. * The Alignment sub-menu of the Control Icon was not aligning the dock correctly because of changes in the previous version. * A hung or non-responsive application could hang Nexus when changing wallpapers. -------------------------- Version 10.1 build 856 - Feb 11, 2010 - Official Release New Features: * Added Chinese (Traditional) language file. * Added Czech language file. * Added Danish language file. * Added Russian language file. * Native Nexus themes and 3rd party dock backgrounds are now listed under the same 'Themes' heading. * When Importing, Nexus will automatically distinguish between native Winstep themes and 3rd party dock themes. Only if there is a conflict will it ask for clarification. * The user can now specify the folder used to save screenshots taken by the 'Capture Desktop' internal command in the Advanced Settings dialog of the Advanced Preferences tab. * Dock alignment is now by percentage and set via a slider. * Made some minor improvements to the Icon Browser dialog. * Improved the display of some system icons which appeared 'fuzzy' when using large icon sizes. * Added setting to the Advanced Behavior dialog not to flip the dock background for docks at the top of the screen. This makes it possible to have a Leopard style dock at the top of the screen looking like it does at the bottom. * Added a warning to Nexus startup: if the number of items in the Recycle Bin take 10 or more seconds to enumerate, a warning pops up saying that the Recycle Bin is too full and that it is causing Nexus to take a long time to start. If also asks the user if he wants to empty the Recycle Bin and empties it if the answer is affirmative. * The Themes sub-menu in the Appearance & Sounds context menu now also lists 3rd party dock themes. * The Themes Manager in Preferences now automatically saves thumbnails of the theme previews, which are later displayed when browsing themes in menus and dialogs. * Added a 'Restore File Associations' button to the Troubleshoot dialog to restore Winstep theme and license key file associations. Changes: * Resized the Item Properties Editor dialog in order to show a larger icon. Fixes: * Fixed a few Internal Command icons that were not displaying properly under Vista. * The 'New Folder' dialog still used the old UI and the text in it was not being translated. * The folder browser dialog popped up pointing to the wrong folder. * Fixed icon remanining on screen when performing a drag & drop operation that resulted in a prompt requiring user input to complete the operation. +++ * The icons of some shortcuts were not being resolved properly when dropped into Nexus. * Thumbnails of folders in Vista and above no longer appear as jagged icons. * Thumbnails with alpha channels should now be displayed properly. * Even after removing all instances of a particular module from the dock, like the clock, for instance, it was still possible to have events related to that module activating (such as the time being announced). * Settings in the Advanced dialog of the Dock Position Preferences tab were not being properly set or retrieved. * Fixed Spanish translation that translated 'Settings' as 'Clock Settings'. * Under Windows 7 the 'Show Windows Start Menu' internal command is now able to keep the menu in the same screen position when using Search or All Programs, although with a lot of flicker as the Start Menu tries to reposition itself back to its original position. Functional but not pretty. * RAM usage values in the system tray icon were all being reported as 0. -------------------------- Version 9.12 build 850 - Dec 1, 2009 - Official Release New Features: * Added support for 3rd party tiled dock themes. * Added support for multiple 3rd party dock backgrounds (i.e. single folder with multiple backgrounds in it). * Added support for nested 3rd party dock backgrounds (i.e. folders within folders, which can happen when importing 3rd party dock backgrounds). * Added support for separators of 3D 3rd party dock backgrounds. * Where supported, background names of 3rd party themes are extracted from the configuration files themselves instead of folder names. * Added complete Dutch language file. * Added item separator bitmap to the Leopard theme. Fixes: * Icon reflections were not being properly adjusted to the background tile if a bitmap reflection mask was provided and the icon image had a size mismatch with the maximum magnification size. The K-TEK4D1 to K-TEK4D5 tiles are examples of Nexus themes were icon reflections are not allowed to show outside the tile background itself. -------------------------- Version 9.11 build 847 - Nov 26, 2009 - Emergency Update Fixes: * The Cancel button in Preferences was not working unless the user Applied the changes first. -------------------------- Version 9.11 build 846 - Nov 23, 2009 - Official Release New Features: * Added Hibernate and Sleep options to the Exit sub-menu. * Shortcuts to virtual file system objects dropped onto the dock are now resolved instead of stored as pointers to the shortcuts themselves. * Added 'Change Icon' setting to the right-click context menu of dock items. * Added a new theme setting, 'Maximized Offset', to prevent certain Nexus themes, like Leopard, from reserving too much screen space when the dock is attached to a screen edge and the 'Prevent Maximized Windows from overlapping the dock' setting is set. * Added Italian male and female voices. * Added partial Italian and Dutch language files. +++ * Added a setting in the Misc.Advanced Settings panel that controls if the dock pops up on mouseover or not and the popup delay (from 0 ms to 1000 ms). * The appropriate user language (if available) is now selected by default when running for the first time. +++ * Added missing functionality to the Save As and Delete buttons in the Sounds tab in Preferences. * Added Catalan language file. +++ * It is now possible to perform drag & drop operations on 'Browse Container' menus. Changes: * Running indicators are now offset from the icons by a few pixels more. * Adjusted the UI to make room for larger foreign text strings. Fixes: * It was possible to delete the dock by dragging the Nexus control icon into the recycle bin. The control icon can no longer be dragged. * Fixed problem where certain context menu options (such as My Computer's Manage) resulted in an error under 64 bit windows. * Shortcuts to 64 bit applications were not being resolved properly. * Logitech's Setpoint software was causing painting problems on menus, docks, etc..., on 64 bit systems. * Changed the included Leopard Nexus theme to prevent it from reserving too much screen space when the dock is attached to a screen edge and the 'Prevent Maximized Windows from overlapping the dock' setting is set. * Some settings were not being properly applied when exiting Preferences after a Restore or Troubleshoot. +++ * Some settings were not being properly initialized on first run. +++ * Fixed problems with desktop icons losing focus when being selected after raising the desktop with WIN+D. +++ * Fixed annoying flicker that happened when the mouse pointer exited the dock after the desktop being raised (WIN+D). * Setting some of the Sounds to was not sticking. * Fixed 64 bit redirection issues with 64 bit applications in the \Windows\System32 \ folder. +++ * Context menu options on file items of 'Browse Container' menus now work properly. -------------------------- Version 9.8 build 836 - September 16, 2009 - Public Beta 3 New Features: * Added German help file. * Added Portuguese (Brazil) language file. Fixes: * Fixed a MAJOR bug where Nexus would stop responding to clicks on the configuration tab headers after 35 days. -------------------------- Version 9.7 build 834 - August 3, 2009 - Silent Update Fixes: * Changes to the Magnification Effect settings were not being applied. -------------------------- Version 9.7 build 832 - August 2, 2009 - Silent Update Fixes: * The 'Always Open Folder in a Menu' setting was not working. -------------------------- Version 9.7 build 831 - July 30, 2009 - Public Beta 2 New Features: * Added dock icon spacing setting to the Appearance tab in Preferences. * Added ability to lock icons and prevent them from being dragged. * Added setting to prevent the auto-hide function from only kicking-in when another window has the focus. * Added setting to make the righ-click context menu of file and folder items in the dock display all the options that would be displayed by Explorer. * Added 'Browse Container' item to the right-click context menus of file items, allowing you to browse the container folder in a menu. * Added to the list of wallpapers available. * You can now rename modules/docklets. * Updated's XML request string to work with the new requirements. * The user can now specify's source URL and XML request string in the advanced dialog of the Weather Module settings. If changes the format of the request string again a new release should no longer be necessary to fix the issue. * Started using Interpolation Mode HighQualityBicubic instead of HighQualityBilinear which improves the 'sharpness' of icons a little bit. * Added 'Running' indicators for dock shortcuts to applications that are currently running. * The Theme Preview in the Themes tab in Preferences now also displays the correct skin for the clock and recycler modules. * Customizable Left, middle and right click actions for running programs. +++ * Added 'Display confirmation dialog before deleting' setting to the Advanced Settings dialog and to the Delete Confirmation dialog itself. * Blank separator items no longer show a background when using a tiled theme. * Added Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, Farsi and Spanish languages. Changes: * Moved the 'Hide Dock Control Icon' option from the Appearance and Settings sub-menu into the main Nexus menu. * Switched the 'Sounds' tab in Preferences with the 'Tasks' tab. +++ * Reduced a bit the font size used for the title of windows in the list of currently running applications so more of long titles can fit. * Improved the timing adjustment of the dock's sliding animation so it adjusts itself to where it should be at a certain point in time. * Icon reflections in vertical docks now take into account icon spacing, which prevents the reflections from being horizontally cropped too soon with most themes. Fixes: * Removed 'Make Shelf from Folder' item that appeared on the context menu of folder shortcuts in the dock. * Renamed the 'Browse with NextSTART' item that appeared on the context menu of folder shortcuts in the dock to 'Browse'and added the missing functionality. * Fixed the broken click and hold feature which opens the contents of a folder shortcut in the dock on a menu. * The Net Out module was showing exactly the same values as 'Net In'. * A dock set to an effect other than magnify could leave parts of it behind when hiding into a screen edge. * The 'Show Nexus icon in the system tray' option had no effect until Nexus was restarted. +++ * Blank METAR codes would always be replaced with the default NY METAR code on startup. * Fixed an issue in which the dock background would disappear when magnifying if it was set to be semi-transparent. * Fixed an issue in which a tiled dock background set to be semi-transparent would display the magnified half of the tile fully opaque when magnifying. * Right clicking on the dock's running applications separator did not pop up a context menu. * Running indicators were only appearing on shortcuts to applications that appeared on the tasklist. * The 'Run As Admin' in the Item Properties dialog and all the settings in the Performance dialog always appeared cleared. -------------------------- Version 9.5 build 823 - June 14, 2009 - Silent Update Fixes: * Fixed bug that could crash Nexus on startup when unzipping the default themes. -------------------------- Version 9.5 build 821 - June 12, 2009 - Nexus 9.5 Public Beta 1 * Initial Nexus Release. Features: Multi-dock system (Winstep Xtreme version only). Multi-level docks (Winstep Xtreme version only). Skinnable context menus (Winstep Xtreme version only). Live icon reflections. Item magnification and other mouse over effects. Multiple special effects. Automatic semi-transparent background blur (Vista and Windows 7 only). Auto-hide and auto-collapse. In-dock modules/widgets. Internal commands. Full multi-monitor support. Ability to reserve screen space. Ability to respect screen space reserved by other applications. Supports virtual file system objects. Document thumbnails. Completely customizable. Full Drag & Drop support. Extremely easy to use with intuitive interface. Configuration backup and restore. Multi language support. Includes Update Manager to look for, download, and automatically install new versions. Quality and performance tested. System Requirements: Windows 95/98/ME/SE/NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7. 500 Mhz or faster processor. 256 MB of RAM or more. 30 MB of free hard disk space or more. Screen resolution of 800x600 or higher.